Blog posts and articles from Santoro Oil

Blog Posts from Santoro Oil

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Heating System Preventative Maintenance Overview

Date Posted:

December 2023

Have you had your heating system serviced recently? Schedule your system’s annual preventative maintenance today!


What is preventative maintenance? 


Preventative maintenance is a routine service for your heating system to ensure it operates safely and effectively. As part of the process, we will visually inspect your equipment for any leaks and corrosion along with thoroughly cleaning all the components of your system, allowing it to perform as efficiently as possible. Some parts, such as the fuel filter and burner nozzle, will also be replaced during this service.

Have you had your heating system serviced recently? Schedule your system’s annual preventative maintenance today!


What is preventative maintenance? 


Preventative maintenance is a routine service for your heating system to ensure it operates safely and effectively. As part of the process, we will visually inspect your equipment for any leaks and corrosion along with thoroughly cleaning all the components of your system, allowing it to perform as efficiently as possible. Some parts, such as the fuel filter and burner nozzle, will also be replaced during this service.


What are the benefits of having preventative maintenance performed?


Efficiency: Regardless of how clean your system runs, soot and carbon build-up will accumulate inside your equipment, deteriorating its efficiency and driving up fuel consumption over time. By replacing old parts and cleaning the entirety of your system, preventative maintenance will have your equipment running cleaner and more efficiently than before, allowing it to run more easily and heat your home quickly. As a result, you may even save money by lowering your fuel consumption as less fuel will be needed to heat the same amount. 


Safety: Preventative maintenance gives us the opportunity to not only clean your system but to ensure it is functioning properly and to the best of its ability. Catching a small problem before it grows into a larger problem helps prevent costly damages down the line, keeping your family safe and saving you time and money.