Blog posts and articles from Santoro Oil

Blog Posts from Santoro Oil

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Homeowner Winter Preparation Tips

Date Posted:

November 2023

Is Your Home Prepared For The Cold This Winter?

With Fall coming to an end and the weather getting colder, it’s time to start getting our homes ready to take on the winter! Lucky for you, we have a few simple homeowner tips you can follow to make sure your home is prepared to take on the cold…


  1. Ensure your fuel tank is at least ¼ full. This will not only make sure you don’t run out of fuel when you need it but also avoid an unneeded visit from a technician to restart your system after a fuel run-out. 


  1. Keep your thermostat set to a minimum of 65°F. Setting your home's thermostat above 65°F will allow your system to run in shorter cycles as it will more easily be able to reach the satisfied temperature. Additionally, this will help prevent water pipes from bursting in your home as the heating system cycles regularly to maintain temperatures. 


  1. Insulate all exterior windows and doors. Ensuring all of your exterior windows and doors are properly insulated will eliminate cold air from entering your home and stop warm air from escaping it.


  1. Keep air registers and baseboards clear of clutter. Keeping your heating registers or baseboards clear of furniture and clutter will help maximize the amount of heat you get in that space. Too much clutter around air registers or baseboards can block airflow and absorb heat, making your heating system run longer to reach the set temperature. 


Want to learn more about preparing your home to take on the winter? Give us a call at (401) 942-5000 or contact us online today!