Santoro Oil Blog, insights, trends, and info about the heating industry

Blog Posts

For the latest thoughts and updates on home heating, advice, and more!

Blog Posts

Date Posted



  • September 2024

    Oil Tank Overview...

    Do you use oil as a source of heat in your home/building? Check out this information we put together about oil tanks to help you better understand your equipment and the services we provide!

  • July 2024

    Air Conditioning Overview

    Central air conditioning & ductless mini-splits!

  • January 2024

    Electric Heat Pumps are Struggling in the Cold...

    Hey everyone! You know just how nasty New England winters can be, but did you know that some heating systems work much better in the cold than others?

  • December 2023

    Heating System Preventative Maintenance Overview

    Have you had your heating system serviced recently? Schedule your system’s annual preventative maintenance today!


    What is preventative maintenance? 


    Preventative maintenance is a routine service for your heating system to ensure it operates safely and effectively. As part of the process, we will visually inspect your equipment for any leaks and corrosion along with thoroughly cleaning all the components of your system, allowing it to perform as efficiently as possible. Some parts, such as the fuel filter and burner nozzle, will also be replaced during this service.

  • November 2023

    Homeowner Winter Preparation Tips

    Is Your Home Prepared For The Cold This Winter?

  • October 2023

    Did you know that electric heating is not as environmentally friendly as initially perceived?

    Did you know that electric heating is not as environmentally friendly as initially perceived?

  • September 2023

    The Truth about Electrification and Oil Heat

    Heat pumps are a great way to add some supplemental heat to your home, but they are not a replacement for boilers and furnaces.

  • September 2023

    Is Your Heater Prepared for This Winter?

    Cold air is coming and it’s time to think about turning your heat on again…

  • August 2023

    Download Our Mobile App!

    Learn about all the features you can take advantage of on our mobile app!

  • May 2023

    Cathodic Protection for Underground Fuel Tanks.

    Calling all homeowners with underground fuel tanks, is your tank protected from CORROSION?

  • May 2023

    Boost Your Indoor Air Quality

    Breathe easier, sleep better, and lower your utility bills with indoor air quality upgrades to your HVAC system. Santoro Oil offers installation of air filtration, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and UV light purifying systems that improve the quality of life in your home. Whether you’re trying to get that damp and sticky feeling out of your home, or looking to bring an end to your persistent cough and allergy systems, we have the equipment and trained professionals you need to make your home comfortable.

  • April 2023

    Electric Heat vs. BioHeat

    Did you know that electric heating is not as environmentally friendly as initially perceived?

  • March 2023

    Whole-Home Propane Services!

    Did you know that Santoro Oil offers propane services for your ENTIRE home?